Project Gallery
"Adele Bloche-Bauer I" after Klimt
Oct 11, 2019
Vacuumed back of frame
Oct 11, 2019
Removing rusted nails holding in painting and the iron secure bar. Removed painting from frame
Oct 14, 2019
Brush vacuum surface of painting and frame
Surface Clean
Dec 3, 2019 - Dec 4, 2019
Create grid with thread, photo doc, dry clean with soot sponge
Surface Clean
Jan 6, 2020 - Jan 9, 2020
Sleazed flesh areas with cotton swabs and acetone. (1-7-20) Surface cleaned block 2, 3, 9, 13 with cotton swabs and 3:2 solution H2O: Acetone. Cleaned blocks 4, 17, 26, 27, 28. Then applied D4 to cleaned blocks. (1-8-20) day cleaned blocks 1, 6, 17, 21, and 25 using pH 5.5 adjusted water. (1-9-20) Surface cleaning blocks 5, 6, 7, 8, 18, 22, 23, 24 using pH 5.5 adjusted water.
Varnish / Removal
Jan 9, 2019
Varnish testing
General Repair
Dec 9, 2019
Fill holes and chips on frame with wood filler and modostuc.